Weekly Classes are held at the Sue Marshall Arena in Bend, Oregon. Class numbers are small which allows for fun and progressive instruction emphasizing individualized attention.
Classes encourage connection with classmates and shared learning experiences in a supportive environment. The friends made in the classroom can create opportunities for developing outside training circles, travel companions to competitions, and people who understand your perspective. Sharing weekly time in the classroom is a great way to progress and grow with others.
Weekly class sessions are one month long. There are no refunds for students missing classes. If there is space in another appropriate class in the same week, substituting is allowed. If Tammy cancels class, a makeup week will be added to the schedule. A class session costs between $120 to $150 per month.
No reactive or aggressive dogs are allowed in class. If a dog shows any aggression toward people or other dogs in class he will be asked to leave the classroom and referred to a proper trainer/class.
Note: There are no refunds for missed classes. When you register for a class, it is similar to registering for college classes – you use them or lose them. Your registration reserves the spot in that particular class, the arena time, and the instructor time. If you decide to discontinue a class please give as much notice as possible. Missed dates cannot be applied to other classes or “traded” out for other services without instructor pre-approval.
Foundation I
Foundation is for puppies and adult dogs just getting their start in the game. In foundation I, handlers are taught training techniques to improve timing, reinforcement delivery, and how to set clear criteria. The dogs learn how to learn, problem-solve, and how to focus and engage with their handlers through play, reward-based training, and making choices that encourage connection. The tricks and games taught in this class will continue to be relevant not just in agility, but in any sport you decide to participate in with your dog.
Foundation II
Continuing to build on what was taught in Foundation I, we continue to improve reinforcement delivery, learn how to add duration, work under distractions, and generalize behaviors. The tricks introduced in Foundation I will continue to progress and we will continue to build engagement and focus. In Foundation II, we really start to help our dogs develop a verbal understanding of cues and we introduce flatwork for agility.
Beginning I
In Beginning I, tunnels and cones are introduced allowing for building obstacle commitment and strong verbal cues. Handling flatwork, beginning contact training, and beginning weave training are all introduced through flatwork.
Beginning II
In Beginning II, we continue with tunnels and move to wings and jumps, teaching form, directionals, and commitment. Contacts are brought to full height and we increase weaves to a full set of 12. Handling on small sequences is started.
In Intermediate, we continue to generalize obstacles, train discriminations, and work longer sequences with multiple handling challenges.
Coursework and Skill drills appropriate for those competing at the highest levels.